Hi! My name is Michael Cortina, and I'm excited for a new year of music!
[email protected]
Students at SRS participate in a General Music Class, and sing in mixed choirs.
We sing and play instruments, as well read, compose and improvise music, move, describe music, along with many other fun games and activities!
Students in grades 4, 5, and 6 are welcome to audition and join the Swift River Chorale, which meets during the day on Wednesday.
Students in grades 4, 5, and 6 are invited to join the Swift River Concert Band, which meets on Friday for ensemble time and throughout the week for group lessons.
The Band Section!
New Band Students:
Instrument Overview
Rent an Instrument - Only after meeting with Mr. Cortina
How does Gerry's Instrument Rentals Work?
Band Rehearsal for EVERYONE is Friday at 9:15. Please bring your
instrument AND red book!
Contact Mr. Cortina if you have questions about band lessons
Link to Red Book Song Recordings
Make sure your band student is practicing every day, for a minimum of 15 minutes!
School Sing
Friday- 8:45 until 9:15. Come sing with us! It's always a great time.
Click here for our YouTube channel, featuring School Sing videos!
5th and 6th grade Composition
Click here for our School Composition Page
Login is "Firstname Lastname". PW given at school.
NEW: Assignments #1 through 5 have been posted! Fill them out for feedback!
Click here for the article about teaching music at Swift River!